Monthly Archives: February 2013

Gooey Plum Cobbler

My brother had the simple task of buying a selection of fruit for the house – especially since

my ravenous dog Rojho has sole entitlement to Paw-Paw, which is off limits to the rest of us!

“A selection of fruits” turned out to be a huge double-layered box of plums!

What does one do with so many plums?…..Make a gooey plum cobbler ofcourse!

I’ve been dying to try out this recipe, I must lend credit to Joy the Baker for inspiring me !

What I love about it, besides the fact that it put my plums to good use, is that it requires no egg replacer, which is a huge relief for the eggreplacerphobes out there.


Keep in mind that the effort required for this dessert is absolutely minimal. You can count 10 minute for preperation and 30 minutes for baking 🙂 I managed to squeeze in a walk with Rojho while the oven did it’s magic.

13-15 ripe plums, halved.

9 tblsp unsalted butter ( I won’t lie, sometimes all I have is salted!)

1 cup of flour

1 1/4 cup of sugar

1/2 tsp salt ( omit if your butter is salted)

1 cup of milk


Melt the butter over a low flame, and keep a close eye on the butter as it browns. If you aren’t used to browning butter, look out for a deep nutty fragrance.

What sets this aside from a regular cake, is that the browned butter gives it a unique richness!


In a bowl, combine all the dry  ingredients except the fruit, and then gradually whisk in the milk.


Sometimes I like to sneak in  a sprinkling of cinnamon!

Once you have whisked everything up into a beautiful golden batter, pour into your baking dish ( you could do this whole thing in a caste iron pan if you have one)

Arrange the plums face down, and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Look at the way the plums ooze from the surface…how inviting.


Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar if you desire, and serve slightly warm with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream!


P.S – the next time I bake this dessert, I’d like to try it out with peaches!


showcasing my dear's wonderful bakes!

Shinjini Amitabh Chawla

Ex-wedding blogger now on a mission to help moms!

Touchee Feelee

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